Android Privacy tips

In this Android world we are are not at all safe So even the playstore apps are steeling our data and for that we are learning some basic mod things to restrict that app to not steel our data from our device to safeguard our privacy.... Modding is illegal but for our safety we can do it to maintain our privacy or data to safe... We remove some user-permissions in AndroidManifest.xml to not let that app to use access our data like location, storage, phone, sms, Wait most of app's don't need that but they add to steel some data by Google analytics amd they sell our data like what we searching in internet and what we are interested and they show ad's and sometimes receives calls or msgs from them..... So in order stop that things we mod apps... Ok let me say some tips... 1)Encrypt your device Encrypting your entire phone is pretty simple, but not many people do this.. Is I'm right? 😋 (Encryption is the process of encoding messages or information in suc...