Remove Ad's in an App

How to remove Ad's in an app
 video tutorial in detailed

Ok first download the video tutorial which I've provided here and it will helps you how to understand how simple it was to remove Ad's😋

Ok be patience while downloading the video cauze it redirects you to ad's page..
Note:File size 106mb in English

Now I'll explain what is an ad and how to remove or disable for beginners by a clean explanation...

*AndroidManifest.xml file consist of advertisement activities lines so that if we can remove or delete that lines then we can prevent that ad activities to run in an app background

Ok if an app stops showing ad's it's good


Some of apps still shows ad's even though we remove ad links in Androidmanifest. Xml

So that we have to decrease the Ad's height to 0dip then it's not shows to us...

Ex:In Androidmanifest.xml

Search for "ads" and then if you found lines like this

<activity android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|uiMode" android:name="" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent" />

Here you see 

In this dictionary we can see ad smali files to load apps ad's so we can disable them in smali but I'll show it in another tutorial with video because it's little bit harder than this to understand... 

Note:ads lines maybe more than 2 and i see nearly 58 lines in one app... So remove them all... 

Now we have to decrease the ad's height so it won't visible to us.... 

Layout folders contains apps interference screen like pages,tabs,apps view... 
So they add activities to the page layouts to show in individual pages in an app

I recommend you plz apkeditor for this process plz download video tutorial above I've provided link and you understand clearly

Ex:< android:id="@id/gg_native_ad_view" android:visibility="invisible" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content">

Here is an example line taken out from one app now just decrease the ad layout_height 0dip

Mostly ad's layout height you can see is wrap_content,fill_parent, 40.0dip,25dip,etc...

So just change whatever the height value in it to 0dip



Note:plz becarefull what layout you are changing to 0dip...if you done any layout like pictures or tab or page then you see blank or no thing in that place of an app

Ok this is manual method and want to remove Ad's to load without doing all this then check another tutorial in my blog it teaches you how to do things in dex files to disable ad's


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