
Tools Updated

   Hey there! Are you interested in learning to modify or crack android Apps? Like removing Ad's,vip,premium unlock,changes things inside,adding stuff inside,custom design,disable the trackers and safe guard your privacy or even more without any knowledge.... NOTE:only for educational purposes  share our blog for more cool stuff ever before....  Tutorial links are in bottom of this page πŸ˜‰ Best Latest Tools to mod apps are below: sorry for uploadrar links because my all cloud storages are completed...  1)MT manager v2.9.1     Download 2)Apkeditor Pro v1.10.1  Download (note:it's the latest and lite mod in internet and button is there in that app so you no need to vist this blog in external browser just visit and learn in apkeditor pro app...  share our app and support us)  3)Apkeditor clone v1.10.1  Download 4) MT manager VIP v2.5  Download 5)antisplit-G2 v1.1  Download ...

Android Privacy tips

In this Android world we are are not at all safe So even the playstore apps are steeling our data and for that we are learning some basic mod things to restrict that app to not steel our data from our device to safeguard our privacy....  Modding is illegal but for our safety we can do it to maintain our privacy or data to safe... We remove some user-permissions in AndroidManifest.xml to not let that app to use access our data like location, storage, phone, sms, Wait most of app's don't need that but they add to steel some data by Google analytics amd they sell our data like what we searching in internet and what we are interested and they show ad's and sometimes receives calls or msgs from them..... So in order stop that things we mod apps... Ok let me say some tips...  1)Encrypt your device Encrypting your entire phone is pretty simple, but not many people do this.. Is I'm right? πŸ˜‹ (Encryption is the process of encoding messages or information in suc...

Screenshot Restriction

Some apps don't allow users to take screenshots or video recording over that app... Because they what to safeguard the contents in that app.... Ok I'll tell how to add and remove screenshot restriction on some apps 1)(a) Adding screen shot restrictions to app Vbb Using Apkeditor we can add screenshot restriction to an app buy patch option... You can see patch option in top right corner in apkeditor app.. Ok I'll provide you screenshot restriction patch file below download it Click here to download screenshot block patch file Ok download and apply to any app using apkeditor in patch option then the app mo more can take screenshots... πŸ˜‹ (b)adding screenshots restrictions using app cloner app Open app cloner and select the app u want to block screenshots And select Privacy Options Now scroll down and enable Prevent screenshots option and co. E bavk and build it and install it Ok now you did it 2)NOW I'll explain how to remove screensho...

How to create apkeditor Patch file

In this blog I'll explain how to create apkeditor Patch files... πŸ˜‹ Patch Format How to apply patch files...? Open apkeditor and select patch option which is present in top right ccorner inside the apkeditor and then select patch file what you want to apply and click apply patch option and your done... Enjoy.... Some very helpful patch files are here Download and enjoy πŸ˜‹ Click here to download Collection of apkeditor patches Check here I'll give some basic info to make patch files A patch is mainly composed of patch rules. Currently, it supports 8 patch rules: ADD_FILES, REMOVE_FILES, MATCH_REPLACE, MATCH_ASSIGN, MATCH_GOTO, GOTO,MERGE, EXECUTE_DEX,DUMMY Inside a rule, each line starts with β€˜#’ means that is a comment line. And, each configuration starts in a new line. Please take following illustrations and examples to see how to create patch.txt And must zip  patch file... 1)Remove files  By this patch file we can delete some...

Popup toast message (for apps & games)

In this tutorial I'll show you how to add popup toast for apps & games in different activities like when open app or open settings or menu to show popup Adding toast Description Steps: 1)Decompile the apk file (I personally use apkeditor for this or apktool m) Note decompile dex files too 2)now open androidmanifest.xml and search for the activity that where you want to toast the message (ok i personally do not use toast in my mods but I recommend you to toast msg in app start or when nenu or settings open) Ok let's make toast to appear on sart of app 3)ok find the first activity in AndroidManifest.xml and it is mostly the startup screen or search for settings activitie your wish Now open the activity smali which is placed under the path which i circled in the image 4)now search for the code below... Copy and search it in that activity smali .method protected onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V Then you see lines like  this .me...

Resources tab detailed explanation

Ok without knowing what is what we can't do anything so in this post I'll explain you  in detail of res/ tab and what it contains... Ok let me explain by one by one folder in res/ animator/      XML files that define property of animations anim/ XML files that define tween animation  (Property animations can also be saved in this directory, but the  animator/  directory is preferred for property animations to distinguish between the two types.) color/ XML files that define a state list of colors. drawable /  Bitmap files (.png, .9.png, .jpg, .gif) or XML files that are compiled into the following drawable resource subtypes: Bitmap files Nine-Patches (re-sizable bitmaps) State lists Shapes Animation drawables Other drawables mipmap / Drawable files for different launcher icon densities. For more information on managing launcher icons with mipmap/ folders.  layout / XML files that defi...

raw tab

Ok most of modders don't notice i think so...  Ok let me explain in detail and it helps you a lot i think soπŸ˜‹ Arbitrary files to save in their raw form. To open these resources with a raw InputStream, call Resources.openRawResource() with the resource ID, which is R.raw.filename. However, if you need access to original file names and file hierarchy, you might consider saving some resources in the assets/ directory (instead of res/raw/). Files in assets/ aren't given a resource ID, so you can read them only using AssetManager. Ok i think you understand... πŸ˜… Raw tab is used to store app data like images,videos, htm, html, mp3, fonts,java or kotline files,json, certificates,jlsl,etc... Some apps stores it in assets tab instead of raw...  Ok cool we can reduce size of app by removing some unwanted files in it... Like deleting the videos or pictures but it won't appear on app... If you want to don't show any errors in app plx replace video ...


Ok most of you ignores this when you mod an app... Right? Ok let me explain in detailπŸ˜‹ 0.50x-small-density(sdpi) [now no app is using this πŸ˜…] 0.75x – 120dpi-low-density (ldpi) 1.0x –160-dpi- medium-density (mdpi) 1.5x – 240dpi-high-density (hdpi) 2.0x –320dpi extra-high-density (xdpi) 3.0x – 480dpi-extra-extra-high-density (xxhdpi) 4.0x –640dpi- extra-extra-extra-high-density (xxxhdpi) We use mobile and they are in different screen size... So android developers create additional drawable folders in res tab... Because small screen devices needs small pixels icons or background things so it looks perfect... And if small pix icons used by big screen mobile then we can notice no quality in that icons or app... So that they created different pix icons & they put in different drawable folders... So app detects the size of screen of your device and it's match drawables of different pixels ... Note:drawable is default folder  And below are screen dpis and defaul...